Complete history of C++
Early C++
C with classes(1979)
- classes
- Member Functions
- Derived Classes
- Separate Compilation
- Public and Private access control
- Friends
- Type checking of function arguments
- Default arguments
- Inline functions
- Overloaded assignment operator
- Constructors
- Destructors
- f() same as f(void)
- Virtual functions
- Function and operator overloading
- References
- New and delete operators
- The keyword const
- Scope resolution operator
- Single-line comments
- complex
- string
- iostream
C++2.0(1989 & 1990)
- Multiple inheritance
- Pointers to members
- Protected access
- Type-safe linkage
- Abstract classes
- Static and const member functions
- Class-specific new and delete
- Namespaces
- Exception handling
- Nested classes
- Templates
- New casts
- Boolean type
- I/O manipulators
Standard C++
- RTTI (dynamic_cast
- typeid)
- Covariant return types
- Cast operators
- Mutable
- Bool
- Declarations in conditions
- Template instantiations
- Member templates
- Export
- locales
- bitset
- valarray
- auto_ptr
- templatized string
- iostream
- complex.
- containers
- algorithms
- iterators
- function objects
- Value initialization
Modern C++
Language features:
- auto and decltype
- defaulted and deleted functions
- final and override
- trailing return type
- rvalue references
- move constructors and move assignment operators
- scoped enums
- constexpr and literal types
- list initilization
- delegating and inherited constructors
- brace-or-equal initializers
- nullptr
- long long
- char16_t and char32_t
- type aliases
- variadic templates
- generalized (non-trivial) unions
- generalized PODs (trivial types and standard-layout types)
- Unicode string literals
- user-defined literals
- attributes
- lambda expressions
- noexcept specifier and noexcept operator
- alignof and alignas
- multithreaded memory model
- thread-local storage
- GC interface
- range-for (based on a Boost library)
- static_assert (based on a Boost library)
- <typeindex>
- <type_traits>
- <chrono>
- <initializer_list>
- <tuple>
- <scoped_allocator>
- <cstdint>
- <cinttypes>
- <system_error>
- <cuchar>
- <array>
- <forward_list>
- <unordered_set>
- <unordered_map>
- <random>
- <ratio>
- <cfenv>
- <regex>
- <atomic>
- <thread>
- <mutex>
- <future>
- <condition_variable>
Library features
- atomic operations library
- emplace() and other use of rvalue references throughout all parts of the existing library
- std::unique_ptr
- std::move_iterator
- std::initializer_list
- stateful and scoped allocators
- std::forward_list
- chrono library
- ratio library
- new algorithms
- Unicode conversion facets
- thread library
- std::exception_ptr
- std::error_code and std::error_condition
- iterator improvements:
- std::begin
- std::end
- std::next
- std::prev
- Unicode conversion functions
Language features
- variable templates
- generic lambdas
- lambda captures expressions
- new/delete elision
- relaxed restrictions on constexpr functions
- binary literals
- digit separators
- return type deduction for functions
- aggregate classes with default non-static member initializers.
Library features
- std::make_unique:
- std::shared_timed_mutex and std::shared_lock
- std::integer_sequence
- std::exchange
- std::quoted
- and many small improvements to existing library facilities
such as
- two-range overloads for some algorithms
- type alias versions of type traits
- user-defined string
- duration
- and complex number literals
- etc.
- auto_ptr
- deprecated function objects
- std::random_shuffle
- std::unexpected
- the obsolete iostreams aliases
- trigraphs
- the register keyword
- bool increment
- std::iterator
- std::raw_storage_iterator
- std::get_temporary_buffer
- std::is_literal_type
- std::result_of
- all of <codecvt>
Language features:
- fold-expressions
- class template argument deduction
- auto non-type template parameters
- compile-time if constexpr
- inline variables
- structured bindings
- initializers for if and switch
- u8-char
- simplified nested namespaces
- using-declaration can declare multiple names
- made noexcept part of type system
- new order of evaluation rules
- guaranteed copy elision
- lambda capture of *this
- constexpr lambda
- attribute namespaces don’t have to repeat
- new attributes [[fallthrough]] [[nodiscard]] and [[maybe_unused]]
- __has_include
- <any>
- <optional>
- <variant>
- <memory_resource>
- <string_view>
- <charconv>
- <execution>
- <filesystem>
Library features:
In utility
- tuple:
- apply
- deduction_guides
- make_from_tuple
- variant
- launder
- to_chars/from_chars
- as_const
- searchers
- optional
- any
- not_fn
In memory
- uninitialized memory tools
- destroy_at
- destroy
- destroy_n
- uninitialized_move
- uninitialized_value_construct
- weak_from_this
- polymorphic allocators
- aligned_alloc
- transparent owner_less
- array support for shared_ptr
- allocation functions with explicit alignment
- variadic lock_guard
- cache line interface
In types
- byte
- conjunction/disjunction/negation
- type trait variables xxx_v
- is_swappable
- is_invocable
- is_aggregate
- has_unique_object_representations.
In algorithm
- clamp
- execution policies
- reduce
- inclusive_scan
- exclusive_scan
container related
- map/set extract and map/set merge
- map/unordered_map try_emplace and insert_or_assign
- contiguous iterators
- non-member size/empty/data
In numeric
- mathematical special functions
- gcd
- lcm
- 3D hypot
- is_always_lock_free
- uncaught_exceptions
- timespec_get
- rounding functions for duration and time_point
Language features
- Feature test macros
- 3-way comparison operator <=> and operator==() = default
- designated initializers
- init-statements and initializers in range-for
- char8_t
- [[no_unique_address]]
- [[likely]]
- [[unlikely]]
- pack-expansions in lambda captures
- removed the requirement to use typename to disambiguate types in many contexts
- consteval, constinit
- further relaxed constexpr
- signed integers are 2’s complement
- aggregate initialization using parentheses
- Coroutines
- Modules
- Constraints and concepts
- Abbreviated function templates
- DR: array new can deduce array size
Library features
- <concepts>
- <coroutine>
- <compare>
- <version>
- <source_location>
- <format>
- <span>
- <ranges>
- <bit>
- <numbers>
- <syncstream>
- in Thread support library:
- <stop_token>
- <semaphore>
- <latch>
- <barrier>
Library features
- Formatting library
- Calendar and Time Zone library
- std::source_location
- std::span
- std::endian
- array support for std::make_shared
- std::remove_cvref
- std::to_address
- floating point and shared_ptr atomics
- std::barrier, std::latch, and std::counting_semaphore
- std::jthread and thread cancellation classes
- <version>
- std::osyncstream
- std::u8string and other char8_t uses
- constexpr for <algorithm>, <utility>, <complex>
- std::string::starts_with / ends_with and * std::string_view::starts_with / ends_with
- std::assume_aligned
- std::bind_front
- std::c8rtomb/std::mbrtoc8
- std::make_obj_using_allocator etc
- std::make_shared_for_overwrite/std::make_unique_for_overwrite
- heterogeneous lookup in unordered associative containers
- std::polymoprhic_allocator with additional member functions and * std::byte as its default template argument
- std::execution::unseq
- std::midpoint and std::lerp
- std::ssize
- std::is_bounded_array, std::is_unbounded_array
- Ranges
- uniform container erasure (std::erase/std::erase_if)
- Mathematical constants